Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sock Knitting Journey - Two At A Time On Two Circulars

So now I come to a new challenge and I only thought about doing this because I was taking a Craftsy class with Stefanie Japel. I was taking her Knit Lab - In the round and in one of the classes she demonstrates knitting two mittens in the round on two circulars. This gave me the idea to try it making socks, I know this is not a new idea but it was for me. I always make my socks one at a time and this has always been okay for me as I don't suffer second sock syndrome but for anyone who does this is a good way to knit your socks.
I also like the idea of two at a time as once you have finished the socks you have a completed pair already to go. Also by doing it this way you know they are going to be the same. 

When making your socks it's best to use 2 x 24" circulars and Stefanie uses needles with different colored cords. I myself use one bamboo and one metal needle, so that I can keep track of whats going on.
So I cast on my stitches to the bamboo needle and then moved half onto the metal needle. Next you cast on for your second sock to the metal needle and then move that half to the bamboo needle. You know everything is right if your yarn is on the right side of the work.

Look what happens when you get it right, a pair of socks start to emerge.
But of course it does taking some getting use to, When I started it did not matter how hard I tried I kept getting in a tangle. I would have both balls on the floor, one each side of me but it did not work. So then I tried having the balls on each side of me on the arm chair, that was a great result for me.
Here's my socks, where I have turned the heel and picked up the stitches. I am now on the home straight. I can see myself doing this again as I did not get it totally right. 

Anyway I hope your having a great weekend.

Happy knitting


  1. I don't knit, so kniting anything is amazing to me. I can imagine myself getting into many tangles! I love the color of this pair.
